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Teeth Whitening, KÖR Whitening | Call Ellis County Family Dentistry!

Teeth Whitening

Many people do not realize that, with time, their teeth can and will change color! Other factors, such as your eating and drinking habits, medication, smoking, and heredity may also play a role. Ellis County Family Dentistry utilizes KÖR Whitening, a proprietary teeth whitening system to help bring back that brilliant smile! Many people cover up their smile and teeth due to embarrassment from tooth discoloration. If you‘re one of these people, you don’t have to hide your smile anymore. The KÖR system is a popular choice for thousands of dentists because of its reliable, effective, long-lasting results in creating bright smiles. At any age, your teeth will whiten dramatically, often up to 16 shades or more. With easy home maintenance, coffee, tea, smoking, red wine and staining foods will have no effect on your new smile. At Ellis County Dentistry, we offer teeth whitening that addresses tooth stains and discolorations that have built up over the years due to:

  • Tobacco
  • Dark-colored beverages
  • Foods
  • Aging
  • Prescription medications
  • Tooth injuries/ infections
  • Congenital tooth discoloration
Beautiful smile and white teeth of a young woman.
Emergency Dentistry

What makes our teeth whitening program different? Our program includes custom in-office fabricated trays along with whitening gel. The key is to start with a healthy mouth and to choose the right approach. It is important to start with an examination and be under the direct supervision of a dental professional during the process to ensure the best results and safety. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental procedures available today. You can achieve consistent, high quality teeth whitening results in one to two visits to our office depending on your individual situation. Bright, white teeth have become the standard. You no longer have to live with dull, stained, or discolored teeth. Today, even the toughest stains can be removed.

New Patient Forms

New Patient Forms

Please click here to download the new patient form and fill out the patient history and medical history forms prior to your visit.


  • 110 Park Place Court Ste. 100 Waxahachie, TX 75165
  • 972-937-8433
  • Monday – Wednesday – 8am – 5pm
  • Thursday – 7am – 2pm
  • Friday – 8am – 12pm
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